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1 Views· 04/12/23· Film & Animation

Pallati 176 (Telekomedi/Telecomedy)

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Titulli/Title: Pallati 176
Teatri Kombetar 1986
Skenari/Script: Adelina Balashi
Regjisor/Director: Alfred Bualoti, Andon Qesari
Kompozitor/Composer: Ardit Gjebrea
Regjia TV/TV Director: Mevlan Shanaj
Roland Trebicka.....Jovan Bregu
Elida Janushi........Marjeta
Pavlina Mani.........Liria
Violeta Manushi......Teto Rita
Eva Alikaj...........Elsa
Ilir Bezhani.........Sandri
Anastas Kristofori....Perikliu
Gëzim Rudi...........Fredi
Merita Zoto...........Irena

Publisher: Almus Film

Të gjitha të drejtat janë të rezervuara © Bunker Films, Almus Film.
All rights are reserved © Bunker Films, Almus Film.


Pallati 176 flet per dashurine e nje cifti (Elsa dhe Fredi),te cilet mendojne
se dashuria e tyre eshte e pamundur sepse nuk mund tjua tregojne prinderve te tyre.
Babai i Fredit (Jovan Bregu) i dergon nje leter drejtorit te tij (Perikliut)
i cili ishte babai i Elses.Ne leter shkruhej se Elsa takohej me nje djale qe
vinte nga nje familje e shthurur.Por Jovani e dergon ate leter pa e ditur lidhjen
midis djalit te tij me Elsen.Ai e shkroi ate leter me qellim qe Elsa te fejohej
me Sandrin (djalin e xhaxhait te tij),qe me ne fund ai te merrte magazinen qe
kerkonte dhe te behej magazinier.Por ajo leter i krijon shume probleme atij.
Kur prindrit e Elses mesojne lidhjen e vajzes se tyre me Fredin ata nuk pranojne
por ne fund kur te dyja palet e mesojne detyrohen ta pranojne dashurine
e femijeve te tyre.

Palace 176 talks about the love of a couple (Elsa and Fred), who think that their love is impossible because they cannot tell their parents. Fred's father (Jovan Bregu) sends a letter to his director (Perikliu). who was Elsa's father. In the letter it was written that Elsa was dating a boy who came from a promiscuous family. But Jovani sends that letter without knowing the relationship between his son and Elsa. He wrote that letter with the intention that Elsa to get engaged to Sandri (his uncle's son), so that in the end he would get the warehouse he was looking for and become a warehouseman. But that letter creates many problems for him. When Elsa's parents find out about their daughter's relationship with Fred, they don't they accept but in the end when both sides learn they are forced to accept the love of their children.

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