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[Full Movie] Fox Legend 千年狐妖之赤狐 | Fantasy Action film 魔幻动作电影 HD

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Synopsis: The Fantasy Action film "The Millenium Fox Demon 千年狐妖之赤狐" is also named as "媚狐傳 Fox Legend". It's said that in ancient times, Changbai Mountain was an active volcano. Every time it erupted, people were destroyed. The god could not bear the sight and left a tear which turned into a water pearl and fell on top of the mountain. Then it turned into a pool of spring water and put out the lava. Some time later, a fox Lian'er was born in the mountain. At the beginning, her master used Water Spirit Pearl to help her to became human. but the Fire Spirit broken the seal and escaped. The Lian'er went down the mountain and looked for the Fire Spirit...

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《千年狐妖之赤狐》亦名《媚狐传》,传说远古时期长白山实乃一座活火山,每次喷发都会生灵涂炭,天神不忍此景,流下了一滴眼泪,化作水灵珠落在山顶,形成一座天池压住了火山熔岩,从此火山不再喷发,而长白山也变得生机勃勃,花草遍布。不知何时山中诞生一灵狐,历经千年修行,守护神兽玉林私自借助水灵珠之力帮白狐化为人形,名白莲。而封印下的熔岩内诞生的一个火灵,趁机脱离封印,逃窜至人世间。白莲初开人智,不知人间险恶,非要下山寻回火灵,师尊玉林大妖耳提面命,再三告诫,世间多险恶,更有捉妖师最为危险。下山后的白莲,沉迷于人间的热闹繁华,渐渐忘记师尊的告诫,一次大意之下,被人所伤……

出品 Studio: 华颂影视 Hua Song Film.
制片人 Produced by: 黄镜源 Huang Jingyuan, 斯文 Si Wen, 江俊 Jiang Jun.
导演 Directed by: 刁璐璐 Diao Lulu.
主演 Starring: 余梦寒 Yu Menghan, 蔡荣 Cai Rong, 武佳轩 Wu Jianxuan, 王璇 Wang Xuan.
题材 Genres: 魔幻 Fantasy 动作 Action.

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