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9 Views· 21/12/22· Entertainment

Texas Tube Party 🇺🇸

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■ TEXAS, SAN ANTONIO: There's a famous saying in Norway for situations that appears excessively wild or out of control:

- Det er helt Texas her jo!
Literally, it's total Texas here!

In Norway, Texas is a euphemism for a free wheeling place where anything goes. All my life I've heard Norwegians use this phrase, including myself, without actually having met a single Northman who've ever walked the soil of the Lone Star Republic.

The saying likely dates back to the days of the gun slinging cowboys of the old Wild Wild West and has naturally stood the test of time as nothing is scarier to a government worshipping contemporary Norwegian than just that; people with guns ruling themselves and not waiting for orders on what to think say and do from some central authority in a far away city.

But what about modern day Texas? What is it actually like to live there? I must admit I knew next to nothing about the current state of affairs of anything in the former country which joined the United States in 1845. I've always admired the Libertarian streak that seems to run through anyone I've ever met who come from Texas though and was therefore incredibly excited to finally visit the state properly.

First stop was San Antonio where my friend John and his son Serj met me at the airport. From there we drove to a little town I do not remember the name of but is famous for tubing adventures. Tubing is an old Texas tradition I've been told. It involves and old car tyre, beers and a river.

Then off you go...

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